Welcome to Historical Fashions!
Welcome, just a quick hello and some information about the website's functions.
Firstly how to use this website... It's easy really...
When you see a button like this....
Click it, it will lead you to more helpful information and or images about the topic you are researching. :-)
--> an amazing feature
- a chronological timeline, a overview of our complete History of Fashion
-dates and periods of fashion history described including...
-influential art movements, ruling powers, wars, popular people and key dates in history which influenced the general population
-Including linking images
Remember Buttons = more information
Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoy
Clara Stromeyer
We are currently looking for writers, if you are interested in research within historical fashions, accessories, wigs, and or make-up and have some content you would like to share with the world please do not hesitate to contact us!